Black Sabbath Concert Reviews
June 10, 1999
PNC Arts Center
Holmdel, NJ


  • Ozzy Osbourne - Vocals
  • Tony Iommi - Guitar
  • Geezer Butler - Bass
  • Bill Ward - Drums
  • Geoff Nicholls - Keyboards


You can view the photo gallery for this concert here.


From: Pat Cupito <>
Subject: reunion tour report
Date sent: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 14:08:13 -0400

I was fortunate enough to attend the Black Sabbath show in Holmdel New Jersey on June 10, 1999. Not only did I attend, but I also was able to get my camera into the show! Now that was cool!! Also cool_meeting Max, a friend I made on the internet through the Dio Bulletin Board. Thanks for coming with us!! It was great to finally meet you!

We got to the show around 6:00 pm. Although it officially started at 11:00 am, I wasn't really interested in seeing anyone but Sabbath. We did watch Rob Zombie when he came on around 7:30 pm, but not for long because we hadn't eaten all day, and the line for food was incredible. Rob was pretty cool though, I must say. I don't know that I would buy his albums, but he is diffenitely talented. 

Sabbath came on around 9:10 pm EST. Our seats were in the very last section before the lawn starts. I was happy to have an interior seat, providing me with cover from security while I shot the pictures. This was the first real test of the camera for concert photography. I had a couple of trial runs in smaller clubs before this, but never attempted an arena-type setting. I was pleased with the results, and look forward to improving my technique in the future.

Needless to say, Sabbath was great. Ozzy seemed to have some trouble with his voice cracking about halfway through. Man, I worry about him!! The rest of the band seemed pretty tight to me. Tony was great (as usual)_Geezer, just incredible. I couldn't really see Bill too well, but my niece (I trained her well!) in the 28th row said that he looked really tired by the end of the show. All in all, a Sabbath show remains as one of my favorite things in the world, only preceeded by my daughter, and a Dio show!

I hope you enjoy these pics, and I look forward to bringing you more one day!