- Ozzy Osbourne - Vocals
- Tony Iommi - Guitar
- Geezer Butler - Bass
- Bill Ward - Drums
- Geoff Nicholls - Keyboards
You can view the photo gallery
for this concert here.
Shown here are some of my items from the show.
The first is my ticket stub (it was a comp from Bill Ward), the second is a scanned piece
of the confetti that's blown all over the place at the end of the show (the image is about
twice the size of the actual thing). The third is a copy of the backstage pass I had
(which was also provided to me by Bill Ward).

From: "Steve Quarrella" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 22:54:04 -0600
Subject: Dallas - "Reflects in the sky..."
Dallas, 1/24/1999
The good...
"Wheeze of the week, mate." Joe Siegler and I were fortunate enough tonight to
go see Black Sabbath in Dallas for just the price of parking. Tickets provided by Mark
Jones and Bill Ward. What a deal, to go in and see four guys have a blast, and not pay a
whole lot of money for it. :) Thanks, Mark, thanks Bill! [Mark, if you're reading this,
please show Bill the "Quarrella de Vil" pictures. :) ] We were behind the stage,
but the view was actually pretty good. We couldn't see Tony too well, but the behind-stage
monitor filled things in for us.
We skipped Incubus and Pantera, although we happened to catch the latter playing the
"Iron Man" riff. We could hardly tell that Incubus was onstage, and as Joe and I
are a couple of 30something old farts who can't get into stuff like Pantera, we just kept
busy out in the corridors of the arena. I still think Pantera's vocalist is trying to
imitate Benito Mussolini, and I'll be damned if I can hear a melody in their
"music." Enjoy 'em if you're into that kind of thing, but leave me something
like the Guess Who. :-)
Ozzy's teleprompter said "Occupy my brain." We know that already, but the next
time someone argues otherwise, I know what I saw. :) In fact, the view we had of the
teleprompter was good enough that we could have put an end to quite a few lyrics debates
("Supernaut" and "Symptom of the Universe" come right to mind.) And
did Ozzy -really- need a teleprompter for "Paranoid?" <chuckle>
Ozzy really looks like he's having fun out there, trying to do those frog leaps and
tossing buckets of water not only on the crowds, but on himself. At one point, he came
back to the mike, to do his next verse, with a bucket on his head. There was his
ubiquitous crowd encouragement, and even while we were waiting for them to come back to do
"Paranoid," Ozzy had a mike in his hand, offstage, yelling that he couldn't hear
us. Ozzy may not be the best singer in the world, but he's got to be one of THE best
showmen in rock. He really knows how to play a crowd, and every time folks seemed to be
losing interest in something, he'd make "I can't hear you" gestures and
encourage everybody to make lots of noise. There were also some of those onstage faces
that you saw from him in the Paris '70 video, and there were times that he looked
absolutely sinister, up close to that microphone with his eyes cast downwards (What is it
with the eye makeup?).
This is a -happy band,- and they remind me of a Ritchie Blackmore-less Deep Purple, out
there doing what they want to do and having a great time doing it. Lots of smiles from
all, and Ozzy and Bill both went out of their way to encourage the people behind the stage
(Add me and Joe to the list of people who think Bill looked right at
them...<chuckle>). The set list was a bit anti-climactic, after having waited so
long to see the original Black Sabbath, but I do feel like I'm seeing THE BAND, rather
than four overpaid guys who are out onstage to go through the motions and collect their
fat checks afterwards. This is definitely a show to see.
Fireworks! Loud!
Highlight of the evening for me was a wonderful performance of "Black Sabbath,"
with flaming braziers for effect. That "Satan sitting there, he's smiling" laugh
always gets me right here <pounding heart with fist>. Joe and I were both agreed
that hearing "After Forever" onstage was a real treat, too. We've known each
other for probably ten years, and have always made cracks about how we'd never get to hear
"After Forever" onstage, let alone the original band. That got tossed into the
dust bin tonight.
I got a pocket full of the Black Sabbath confetti, and that'll go into a bag and into safe
storage somewhere. Joe already scanned some, I see.
We had the impression that this show was being filmed, unless all of the cameras were
there for the sake of the monitor screens.
The bad...
Reunion Arena's acoustics just suck. Tony's guitar really got hazed out, which was a big
difference from the last show, an outdoor gig at the Coca Cola Starplex, when it was so
nice and clear. Geezer was also a little fuzzy, but Ozzy and Bill sounded fine. However,
Ozzy's banter, between songs, was nearly incomprehensible to us. Ozzy's hard to understand
as it is, and the sound quality didn't help him too much.
We got tricked, those rascals! Joe and I were reading Ozzy's teleprompter, and up came
both "Spiral Architect" and "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath." They were both
quickly rolled over, and the band went on with the other songs in the show.
Geoff Nicholls did a LOT of singing. Joe and I had a really clear view of him, and his
mouth was up to the microphone for probably 3/4 of the gig. The voice I heard, though,
seemed to be Ozzy's. I'm not privy to any inside knowledge, and I report this only as an
observation. We also spotted Geoff with a guitar or a bass during one of the songs
("Dirty Women," I think).
For a guy who is so full of energy, Ozzy really looks like he's in bad shape. He seems to
be a little disoriented out there, kind of like the little kid who's smiling and clapping
his hands, but not being completely aware of what's going on. When the band came back for
"Paranoid," he had a hell of a time getting up the few stairs that led to the
stage, and he had someone helping him up. I would guess that this tour is an incredible
strain on the guy, and it's a testimony to him as a showman that he continues to go out
and give us all a lot of bang for our buck. Ozzy, ti saluto.
Geezer also looked a bit tired, running back to his crew after each and every song for a
towel and something to drink. By contrast, Tony really looks good out there, and while
I've seen Sabbath with Gillan, Hughes, and Martin, I've never seen Tony smile as much
onstage like he does with Ozzy. Here's a couple of guys who have been verbally assaulting
each other for years, and here they are, laughing and joking with each other.
Bill Ward is one of those rare drummers for me whom it is a pleasure to watch doing his
job. I found myself absentmindedly doing some of his "War Pigs" routine this
week with a couple of pencils while I was working listening to "Reunion."
"This Microsoft SMS Server deployed courtesy of Black Sabbath. 'Evil Inside.'"
Bill had someone with a towel patting him down every so often -- as you already know,
Bill's playing topless this time around :) -- but he sure makes it look easy.
BTW, I find it morbidly amusing that Vinny Appice is listed in the tour program as a
backup drummer, "just in case," when Bill looked to be having a great time out
there and not having any problems (Vinnie's drumkit was set up on the stage, and taken
apart before Sabbath went on). Maybe they should have Ronnie James Dio following the tour
around, with his name listed in the tour program as "backup vocalist, just in
case." If there's someone whose health would be a concern to me, it's obviously
Not really "bad," but something of a minor disappointment. Joe and I had VIP
badges, and we did as we were told as far as getting backstage after the show. We and
maybe 15 other people congregated on the floor of the arena, and waited patiently in our
seats while we waited to be escorted backstage. After about 20 minutes, security came out
and told us that the band had gone on and that we should drive home safely. Frankly, I'm
just thrilled that Mark and Bill got us there for the show, but I have to admit that I'd
have enjoyed going backstage, just to say "Hello" to Bill. I'll get a scan of my
badge for Joe to put on the website, and wait for another opportunity someday.
Not that I'm an old prude, but the ladies who go topless should have a little respect for
themselves, although yes, "they" were very nice. :) It was rather amusing to
note that Ozzy really didn't pay any attention to the young ladies without their shirts,
although the cameramen certainly did. <chuckle> [If you're younger than I am, you
can cut and paste this section into "The good", above.]
The ugly...
To the gutless turd who tossed the chair from the upper bowl and picked off a young woman
with it, just a few rows in front of me and Joe: If you're on this list, you're a
slimeball, and sphincter muscles have more control than you do. Your right to have a good
time ends where the next person's nose begins, and you could have killed this woman by
impressing your friends by just what a waste of chemicals you are. Seek professional help,
or commit suicide, before you DO hurt someone. ASSHOLE.
[This is the SECOND fucking time I've had "Into the Void" interrupted. At the
last Dallas show, the sound cut out during "Sweet Leaf" and continued through
"Into the Void." Arg!]
Set List
[Joe Siegler lists "Supertsar." I didn't hear it myself.]
Video clip intro
War Pigs (Fireworks afterwards, scaring everybody!)
Fairies Wear Boots
After Forever
Electric Funeral
Sweet Leaf (Joe and I laughed about "Adam and Eve" playing "Joe
Cocker" on
this one)
[Teleprompter came up with Spiral Architect. Nope.]
Into the Void
[Teleprompter came up with Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. Nope.]
Dirty Women
Black Sabbath
Iron Man
Children of the Grave
Changes [tape]
Steve Quarrella, Rowlett TX or
From: (GUER03)
Subject: Dallas Show..."F__K_N AWESOME"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well as I sit here at 11:45pm soaking wet from the Ozzman's water buckets, ears ringing,
voice shot, legs tired, and wife mad at me I am wondering, "Did I just see the
original Sabbath and did they just Kick My Ass, or did I just dream it?!!" Well I did
happen, it was not a dream. And they did kick my ass, Hard! I still can't believe the
performance that they put on tonight, not 50 minutes ago!
The show started at 9:22pm with all the clips of their videos and old music over the P.A.
system, a montage if you will. Then, through the smoke and the Air Raid Sirens you see
Geezer, Tony and OZZY arise from the stage. Ozzy has that mean, evil look that he does
with his eyes. Then through the sirens the crashing sound of Tony's guitar as he rips into
"WAR PIGS!" Dallas went absolutely Crazy! Ozzy let the crowd sing along like on
Reunion, but not the entire song like on the cd. He sounded perfect. At the end of War
Pigs pyros exploded with fire, scaring the shit out of us! Even though Ozzy is still
visibly sick Ozzy showed no signs of letting up. He jumped, screamed, danced, acted goofy,
did the Frankenstien walk. He made the entire band laugh with his antics. He coughed
throughout the concert, spitting up flem. Nothin new really if you know Ozzy.
Bill sounded great, he played his ass off, I am proud of him because of all the heart
problems that he has had. Geezer, well his bass is probably the one who's tired, not him.
He pounded the hell out of it and never showed signs of tiredness. The band looked and
sounded in true Sabbath form. Damn, they acted as if they were in their 20's again! I
think they thought that they were at the "California Jam" back in '74! Ozzy
introduced Geezer and Geezer pounded away on "Basically", then into
"N.I.B." That bass filled my chest with shock waves that I never felt before.
Ozzy belts out "Your love for me has just gottttttt to be real..."
"Fairies" was next followed by my tied for favorite song, "After
Forever". This is the song tha proves they are NOT devil worshippers! Listen to the
lyrics carefully. Damn it sounded so clear! So powerful, Tony's power chords were just
extremely strong and HEAVY! "Have you ever thought about you're soul can it be
saved?" It's so awesome to hear that one live. "Sweet Leaf" even has the
cough intro, and there was plenty of Sweet Leaf around me. I can still smell it!
Snifffffffffffff, Ahhhhhhh! I couldn't tell if it was that which permeated the air or the
smoke from the stage.
"Into the Void" was next followed by "Snowblind", as Ozzy does a
snorting motion. He introduced the entire band before "Void". When it came to
Tony's turn Ozzy said "Aw Fuck him". They all laughed. I am sooooooo glad to see
these guys like each other again. No more bad blood between them. When they played the old
stuff, "Dirty Women", "After Forever", "Fairies", they
younger crowd just kinda sat there, not knowing the words or what to do. Us more
"seasoned" fans were rockin the entire concert through. Ozzy explained the old
days of their original name of "Earth" and how they changed their name to Black
Sabbath. Then he introduced the song. As the lights dimmed, red and blue lights came on
and the torches that were set around the stage lit up. An old Gothic style Chandelier
lowered from the lights as smoke creeped across the stage. Ozzy again with his evil look.
The sound of rain as the lights flashed like lightning. You could here the bell ringing.
Then Tony rips us a new one with the heavy ass riff of "Black Sabbath". The
torches and smoke stayed on the entire song. Spooky!
2 more songs then the encore, Hmm let's see what could it be??? When they walked out on
stage Ozzy said "I want to see you going crazier than you ever have in you're fucking
life!" Then Tony explodes into, "Paranoid" Dallas went wild. At the end
Pyros went off, Sparks fell from the sky, fireworks shot across up in the air and confetti
fell everywhere, even in the middle of the crowd. The banners and confettii are black with
Black Sabbath written on it in silver as "Changes" played over the P.A. system.
The show ended at 11pm sharp. 1 hour and 38 minutes of an absolutely superb concert! What
a POWERFUL, Electrifying, Energetic show. This show by far surpasses any Sabbath or Ozzy
show I have ever seen, and that is really alot. I have been wating for this moment for may
moments now, as I'm sure yo have to. It's over now. All the hype, the commericials, all
the reviews from this past month. Now I feel like I have to recooperate. To regain my
So as I sit here reminicing, trying to catch my breath, I have to ask myself, "Was it
all worth it?" All the money spent (alot), the time spent, preparing for this show
for literally months? The argument with my wife? Was it? Would I do it all again? YOU BET
YOU'RE ASS I WOULD!" Please, bust you're ass to see this concert, do what you have to
but don't miss it. Even though OZZY hinted at another tour and another studio album coming
out, don't miss this one. You never know what can happen. I have pictures from the 1st row
I will put on my website in about 3-4 days so be looking for my posting. And as Ozzy says,
"God Bless You All!"
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 07:14:20 -0600
From: The Holts <>
Subject: Reunion Tour Report - Dallas
I won't go into detail as to the playlist, since it varies little from any other playlist
I have read so far.
There is one matter where I differ from most of the fans. My husband is/was the HUGE Black
Sabbath fan in the house. I always liked them, but fully expected a come-down after
Pantera. Sadly, my boyz were off kilter that night. I don't know if they are losing their
edge, or what, but I have never seen a Dallas show that was not the scene of mass
destruction when they were done playing. That is, until this night. Also, I'm not so keen
on Phil with all that hair. He just *looks*, oh, I don't know... tamer with hair. Not so
dangerous. Also, they need something new, their schtick is getting kinda lame. Even I had
to admit that their music is all beginning to sound alike.
I would also like to give some positive feedback on the opening band, Incubus. They said
it would be their last night on the tour, here in Dallas. I, for one, really enjoyed their
set. Of course, I really knew none of their music, but they are a very high energy band, a
buncha weirdos, in the best sense of the word, from a rock'n'roll point of view. I very
much enjoyed the lead singer's antics on stage. Don't know that I have ever seen anyone
more uncoordinated looking than Ozzy trying to dance :) All in all, I believe they
suffered more from "opening band syndrome" than any lack of talent or material.
And then there was... Well, we all know who everyone was there to see. Neither my husband
nor myself had ever seen Black Sabbath, although we were old enough to have done so, as
pointed out by some young punkster at the show. At least at this show, we were definitely
*not* the oldest "corn-ma" and "corn-pa" in the audience.
Back to the show... They opened with "War Pigs", and I don't know if you can
convey on paper how awesome the stage, with the Gothic symbols, the torches (which
remained unlit most of the show), all the fog rolling off, lit with an otherworldly red
glow, and then, from nowhere... They Rise! From that moment on, my husband ceased to be
their biggest fan in our household! The music, well, we all know is awesome, but at a
concert, the show is the thing for me, and they did not disappoint. Ozzy ran from one end
of the stage to the other, leaping like a frog, clapping, jumping, dumping buckets of
water on his head, then dashing them over the audience (and once, it looked like directly
on the back of one security). He implored us all to "Go f'ing crazy!" the entire
night. He grimaced for the cameras, very dramatically at times, somewhat comically at
other times. All in all, a lot of energy for a middle-aged person with as much partying
under his belt as Ozzy.
Tony, on the other hand, is all cool vibes and hot licks! Not since Alvin Lee have I seen
anyone's fingers fly so fast over a guitar. And never even broke a sweat! Not being a
musician, I have no technical criticisms of his playing, only awe. I have gained a new
respect from hearing them live, that they have been playing this music for so long, yet it
sounds so contemporary. Far ahead of their times, I shudder to think what rock'n'roll
would have been without them...
As for Geezer, he played well and hard and gave a good show.
*I*, for one, would like to give kudos to Bill Ward. I never noticed one time that he was
not doing a good job, as I felt was implied by a couple of other reviewers.
Another note, and it was something that made the show for me, they *all* seemed to be
having *fun* up there! Everyone just really seemed in a genuinely good mood! I have never
like to pay for a show where the acts feel they are doing *us* a favor just by showing up.
I did not get that vibe from these boyz.
From: "C.G. Carver" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 07:55:47 -0600
Subject: Dallas Report
Ever seen a 35 year old man cry?....well you could have at Reunion Arena on Sunday night.
It has been almost 21 years since I saw the original Black Sabbath. And as I did when I
went to see KISS on their reunion tour a couple of years back, the feeling is still there.
It all started with the retrospective played on the arena monitors. That really got me
moving and brought back the days of when I listened to The Sab on vinyl(anyone remember
that?...I still have them by the way). Alot has happened to me in the 21 years since I
first saw them, but the magic is still there between them as it was then. The man who
inspired me to play guitar, Tony Iommi, was still polished and flawless(except for a
missed melody line on "Sweet Leaf. I caught and so did he, I saw him shake his head).
But thats OK Tony...just seeing your majesty and lethal SG onstage again was worth the
price. Geezer can still pound just as heavy, but personally, I like his bass sound from 20
years ago, but still, he was sharp. Bill held up really well...I was proud of him and of
course, Ozzy will always be Ozzy.....he still cannot help but throw water on the audience.
One thing that really touched me is even with all that these guys have gone through in the
last 20 years, it seems time heals wounds and they genuinely seemed to have a good time
with each other....always smiling at each other and the audience. The set list was great.
The only thing that I missed was "Sabbath, Bloody Sabbath", but I am very happy
they added "After Forever". To me, Sabbath was their heaviest on the first three
albums and what is established them as the Godfathers of Heavy Metal. By the way, I was
there with my brother who works for the lighting company which helped design some of
Sabbath'slighting rig, so a little bit of him and his company went into making theshow. To
Ozzy, Tony, Geezer and Bill....thanks for the memoriesguys.....all in all a great show
that touched me, brought back memories andmade a memory which will stay with me
P.S.: I have included a copy of the tic stub from the reunion show with the tic stub from
1978....notice the difference in price!!!!!

From: (mpat)
Subject: Bill Ward - Best kept FUCKIN secret! (Dallas Report)
Well I attended the show in dallas last night to sum it up in one word I don't believe is
possible. The band is very tight and Ozzy, Tony and Geezer looked to be playing the best
I've ever seen them. Although out of all the 4 Bill Ward was the most impressive this
night in dallas in my opinion. For his age and just pure raw fucking talent this guy was
one of the hardest drummers I've ever heard in my life. I can't imagine what he was like
in his 20's.
The whole show I'm just sitting back watching this guy. Ozzy I've seen 8 times live,
Geezer around 4-5, Tony around 3-4 or so but never Bill Ward until this night and if you
ask me it was long overdo. This guy is simply a one man powerhouse whom would have no
problem matching up to the pounding of say BONZO, Neil Pert, Ginger Baker? There was a
couple times during the set he didn't 'pound' it as fiercly as I would have expected it
but there wasn't a single moment from start to finish that there was a electric mushroom
cloud of metal hovering over this guy as he let those tam's have it. He's totally a
freestyle dummer like Neil Pert and the guy is in his 50's.
I'll go ahead and say it that I think it's pretty shitty how they've treated Bill through
this whole thing and at the show last night was even more pissed that they hardly ever
showed this guy up on the big video screen. I mean during the big 'rumble' at the end of
sweetleaf how can you not get a center drum shot? I'm an old school Ozzy fan since '82
when I saw him on the Diary tour for the first time but I'm not afraid to say that the
guy's a tad pussy whipped with letting sharon call all the shots. I mean ok the guys are
in it to make a living I can groove with that. Ozzy has said more than once that he likes
making money, etc. But there comes a time and I think that time has come for him to reel
her in and do some honest rock and roll. Those guys are caught up in all the legalities of
whom gets this and whom gets that and Bill Ward is like there to do the fans some
justiceand that in my opinion sets him above the rest at this point. If thatwasn't the
case you would of seen Bill on the Ozzyfest a couple years ago, there wouldn't of been any
of these 'tryouts', etc. The 4 members, ORIGINAL members would of said FUCK SHARON, FUCK
THE LAWYERS! FUCK EVERYBODY cuz we're Black Sabbath and we're going to FUCKING DO WHAT WE
WANT!. <Love ya Ozzy BUT!> That's warriors, that's the attitude that made this band
and their music great! Was Sharon around when these guys were dead broke and poor trying
to get a gig FUCK NO! Was the music there last night? DAMN RIGHT!! Was the band? DAMN
RIGHT was it REAL?!?! As real as possible considering what all has taken place. However
Bill Ward this night and every night of this tour it seems was the lone true 'Warrior' and
I wouldn't miss seeing this guy live again if it happened in a 500 mile radius of my town.
My 2 cents....lates
From: "PRICE" <>
Subject: January 24, 1999 show (Dallas)
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 23:52:05 -0800
I'd just like to say that I just recently got into Sabbath and they didn't let me down
last night. I loved Geezer's bass sound. Tony was in top form. Bill still rocks on those
drums. And of course, Ozzy had me laughing when he drenched the security with a bucket of
water. I seemed to be the only one who knew every song and I'm only 20. The stage props
for "Black Sabbath" were very nice effects. They must be be in their late 40's
and haven't lost a step. They epitomize what heavy metal is all about! Oh yeah, Pantera
blew me away also! It was definately worth my 10 hour round trip drive.
The set list was something like this:
War Pigs
Faeries Wear Boots
After Forever
Electric Funeral
Sweet Leaf
Dirty Women
Black Sabbath
Iron Man
Embryo/Children of the Grave
I may have a few songs out of order. Well, later.
From: Michael Lucas <>
Subject: Sabbath in Dallas
I'll try and make this short, as it's almost midnight on Monday and I just got back (Flew
500 miles to see them) from Dallas. The show kicked serious ass, my ears are still ringing
and I don't know if they'll ever stop. I completely missed Incubus, as I was busy buying
t-shirts and such, but I saw all of Pantera and Sabbath's set. I was really pleased with
Pantera's show. At first I was afraid I'd be killed, but I was able to enjoy their set and
sing along with some of the songs. I was glad to hear Phil talk about how good it was to
be in the Big D and how cool Sabbath are. And it's always a treat to see Darrel play
guitar (I love his Washburn). Their set went by pretty quick and then along came Sabbath,
and they simply blew everyone away. They came up from the middle of the stage, which I
thought was so cool. The lighting/pyrotechnics were amazing, and I was really happy they
put Sweet Leaf back in the set, which had been taken off for a few dates, so I hear.
Anyway, they sounded excellent. Ozzy, Geezer, and especially Tony and Bill played their
hardest and were clearly enjoying themselves. Ozzy was introducing everyone, but when he
got to Tony, he said, "Awe, fuck him" and had a good laugh. Tony sounded so
heavy up there, when he roared out those power chords it was clear he was THE MAN. The
only disappointments were that I didn't get any of that long confetti with the logo on it
and that I can't go to any of the other dates, but this will definitely be remembered as
one of the best nights of my life.
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 12:39:07 -0600
From: Doyle Smith <>
Subject: Dallas Review!!! ( Reunion Arena)
The concert kicked butt. Show started at 7:00 opening up with Incubus and I must admit
they did a good job. Then Pantera came out, and they were talking about how they were born
in Dallas and stuff like that, but they did a awsome job. I wasn't a big Pantera fan at
first but Now I love the band. But then the all mighty Black Sabbath came out, it was
awsome, They rose from the stage through a cloud of smoke and went into War Pigs. The
sound was awsome. The Bass was so massive it shook the whole arena. Then were shooting on
stage fireworks near the middle of show, but when they went to sing the song Black
Sabbath!! about 10 torches lite up with Fire. they left and Came back for an encore or
Paranoid, shooting sparks at the end and had cannons shooting Confetti Everywhere. During
the whole Show I was headbanging, Jumping, and screaming my lungs out. The show was last
Sunday and My neck and throught still hurt. I never knew I could So Wild at a Concert. And
of Course People all around doing drugs and smoking and drinking. the whole Concert Kicked
ass, It was best concert in my Life. I didnt see any problems or hear any screw ups. Ozzy
Was jumping and running around as always, and Bill Pounded the Hell out of the drums and
The tony and Gezzer kicked ass, Gezzer was banging his head like the whole time, and Tony
walked around Playing Guitar giving Ozzy a smile now and then. I saw Bill call for a Towel
to put around him while he was playing. I honestly thoght the crowd could get louder, Most
of Older people there, just sit the re and watched, while the younger group was screaming
there lungs out, like me of course. I think Everyoner was whore out from screaming at
Pantera, but I gave Sabbath my all Screamed Til I couldnt talk anymore but even then I
still managed to get some sounds out. Show lasted for around 4 hours, started at 7 ended
around 11. At the end the group Puts arms around eachother and Bows. It was a experience I
will remember for rest of my Life, and I will look forward and hope for another go around,
and Trust me I will be there. and who can forget the girls Flashing the Cameras :-)
From: "Eric Hermeyer"
Subject: Reunion Tour Report
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 13:27:04 -0600
January 24th Dallas Texas...Reunion Arena
Pantera...singer is an idiot
Black Sabbath....amazing
Well I finally got to see what I thought I would never get to see...At first my friends
and I(who drove from Memphis to see the show) grimaced when we saw that our seats were at
the top of the arena(last row)...but it proved to be a blessing in disguise seeing that we
planned to partake of the "Sweet Leaf" the entire show..also it was hassle body in front of us standing etc....we were just happy to be in the sold out
show....glad to see Bill playing..played pretty well..Ozzy didn't hit any sour notes like
he does on the Reunion album...Geezer played his ass off!...Tony looking happy and surprise of the night.."After Forever", never even heard that
song on old of my favorite Sabbath tunes...So happy I got to witness it...If
you have some doubts about going..don't you will miss the best metal band that ever was
and will ever be...find any way to get tickets..and fire one up during "Sweet
Eric Hermeyer