A Strange Journey

Within the last 3 days or so, I’ve gotten about half a dozen emails about a rumour that Steve Perry, the former lead singer of Journey was to be the new singer in Black Sabbath. Here’s the text I was sent…
In a move that has some fans excited, and many dismayed, Sharon Osbourne has released Black Sabbath from the deal she had made with Tony Iommi. The old deal, which enabled the reunited Black Sabbath to tour and record again, with only Ozzy as the front man, is now null and void. Black Sabbath is now free of the “Ozzy only” clause of its contract. This in the wake of negotiations between between former Journey vocalist Steve Perry, the Osbourne camp, and Iommi. Although the Osbournes will retain more than a bit of the purse from the “new” super group, which will feature Steve Perry as Black Sabbath’s new lead vocalist, Iommi is determined to move forward. When reached for comment, Geezer Butler and Bill Ward original members of Black Sabbath released this statement: “It’s been a strange and rocky road being in this band, but this might be the weirdest thing to happen to us yet. This truely is the Black Sabbath.” Tony Iommi, founder and lead guitarist of Black Sabbath made this comment, ” In the fine tradition of lead vocalists to front Black Sabbath, Steve Perry now joins the ranks of Ronnie James Dio, Tony Martin, and Ozzy Osbourne. We could think of no other way to put one of our records back on the charts, other than soliciting Steve to be the front man for the band who put the heavy into metal.” Although Steve Perry’s camp as made little comment on this new stage of Perry’s career, Perry himself made this small statement, “I have been known as the VOICE, now I guess I’ll be the Iron Man as well.”
First off, I checked with Sharon’s office, and they laughed at the rumour. Second, Tony Iommi owns the legal rights to Black Sabbath. I’ve said this before, but if he wanted to put out a band with himself of guitar, myself on bass, Christina Aguilera on vocals, and George W. Bush on drums, then it’s his legal right to do so. I’m not aware of any “Ozzy only” clause, besides it conflicts with Tony owning Sabbath, anyway.
Second, Steve fuckin’ Perry? Are you kidding me? You know, even knowing what I know about the Sabbath contractual situation (which isn’t much, but I know some of it), I was buying this story up until they started talking about Steve Perry. Before that, I was thinking WTF, but the comments about “putting our albums back on the charts”.. Well, Sabbath hasn’t MADE an album since 1995. They first need an album to be on the charts. :)
Thirdly, I’m surprised people were suckered in by this. Probably the same people that believed Kerrang’s old joke in the mid 80’s about Tom Jones being the new Sabbath singer. THIS GETS CLASSIFIED AS A JOKE – there’s nothing in here that even makes me want to remotely believe this.
UPDATE: I just got forwarded an email from the person who runs the Yahoo Groups Journey Digest. Her name is Michelle, and this is what she had to say about this..
Hi, through the wonders of the Internet the “AP Press Release” by Russ Blomstedt that got posted to your list was forwarded to a friend of mine who then forwarded it to me. I have to admit I about fell out of my chair laughing since it had appeared on the Journey Digest Yahoo Group a few days before. One of our list members was having a little satirical fun at the expense of a few of our list members who’d spent two weeks arguing over the silliest things.
I happened to take a look at your list archives and was highly amused — your membership response was even funnier than ours! Anyway, I thought I’d let ya know that it was a satirical piece from one of our regular jokers.
Journey Digest moderator

We can now formally lay this to rest as a prank.