Geezer Butler Journal Update

As Geezer Butler and the rest of the boys prepare to shove off for another world tour, he found a few minutes to send in a journal update for his site. Here’s what Geez had to say:

Well, it’s almost here, time to get the hair dye out. We’re all rehearsed and ready to go. Canada, and eventually the world, here we come! As you may have heard, the band is called “Heaven and Hell”. We’ll be playing a selection of songs from all 3 Dio- era albums (of Sabbath), and 3 new songs.
My GZR band is on hold for now, but songs will be written along the way, hopefully culminating as an album sometime in 2010, the Lord or Darwin or Richard Dawkins permitting.
I will endeavor to keep all informed along the rocky road, both highlights and lowlights, and my thoughts thereupon.
Soon, you all must rush out and buy [or stay in and download] Black Sabbath “The Dio Years” album, as offered by our gracious hosts Rhino Records.
So hope to see you all soon, and enjoy the show!
Peace, Geezer.

Check out all the latest about Geezer over at his official site, shockingly enough at :)