Fan made video for “Ear in the Wall”

A little while back, I had posted a fan made video for the song “Too Late”. Well, today I’m here to bring you another one. In my email box today was an email from Sabbath fan “Steven King” (yeah, I realize the irony of that). Anyway, he made a fan video for the song “Ear in the Wall”. It’s quite high quality stuff, check out what he had to say about the video:

Hi Joe! How are ya?

The reason I’m contacting you is to let you know of a fan-made music video that I’ve just done for my college media course. In the light of the Dio/Sabbath reunion, I’ve opted to make a music video out of the song, Ear in the Wall, splicing my own footage with archive stuff of the band and vintage horror films. I always found the lyrics to be very ‘Edgar Allen Poe’ like so opted to give it a vintage look.

If you have the time, please check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks man, your site is always fucking ace. It feeds my sabbath addiction! ROLL ON NOVEMBER WHEN HELL CRASHES ONTO THE UK!!!

p.s. and of course, it is FAN-MADE i.e. I intend to make no profit out of it. I look at it as a celebration of the Heaven and Hell reunion!

I think you’ll enjoy this very much. Just hit play in the media player here, and enjoy! If you liked it too, drop by this thread in our forums and let him know what you think of it!

Original Link:


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