A new Sabbath album in 2015? Well…

This morning my inbox exploded with people telling me about a story going around that Black Sabbath is going to start recording a new album in 2015.   Lets look at that, eh?

So basically, there’s several stories floating around this morning, that all appear to be connected back to this story at Classick Rock.  It includes a few new quotes from Ozzy (and nobody else – yes, there’s a quote from Tony, but it is an old one) talking about how Sabbath is going to record a new album in 2015, etc, etc.  I’ll let you read through to the link for the quotes in question.

I have one major talking point about about all of this.  If there was to be a new Black Sabbath album recorded, the first proper news to the world wouldn’t come in a news story on another site.  The band would market it themselves for maximum exposure.  There would be stories on everyone’s individual websites (Ozzy, Geezer, Tony), not to mention the official Black Sabbath site themselves.  There’s nothing on any of them (and full disclosure, I run one of them – Geezer’s).   There’s nothing on any of them about this.

Long time readers of my site will know that I’ve always pushed the concept of “wait till confirmed”.  Which means that it has been formally announced by the band.  So far, it has NOT.   A lot – and I mean A LOT – has been said in interviews and whatnot over time about the subject of a new album.  Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, and assume future events will be dictated by a news story on music news sites. Heck, the band had Bill Ward up on stage on 11-11-11, and you know how that worked out.

Now, when I first got this story this morning, I went and contacted a couple of my sources and tried to work out whether this is real or not.  I have no info as of yet saying this is real.  Until the band confirms this (to me or on their own sites) one way or the other, I HAVE TO FILE THIS AS RUMOUR AND PERSONAL WISHES, NOT HARD FACT.

Can this still happen? Of course it can, but remember, without any official announcement from the band itself, I cannot accept this as a “OMG – this is happening” story.   I’ve been running this site for 19 years now, and if time has taught me anything, its that you shouldn’t trust every thing you read online about Black Sabbath unless it comes from the horse’s mouth.  And so far, this hasn’t.  Now I know I’m gonna get hate mail saying “But Ozzy says”, or “You’re a fucking moron, it says this is happening”.  Remember, there’s been NUMEROUS interviews with Ozzy since 13 started talking about whether there would be another album.  This one is different ONLY because it’s come after the 13 tour is over, but is not really that different than any of the other interviews with Ozzy I’ve read where he wishes there might be another album.

We shall see.

P.S. What’s Tony Martin up to?  ;)

UPDATE: Since some seem to think I’m saying that nothing will happen, I feel the need to clarify.  Can this still happen? Of course. Will it happen? Probably. BUT THIS IS NOT THE BIG NEWS REVEAL – which is the entire point I am trying to make.  Nothing deeper.  NOTHING IS ANNOUNCED FOLKS.  If it was, you’d be seeing it on all their sites, and their Facebook pages, etc…


  1. Damn you Joe… you sure know how to let the wind out of the sails… I say this with a smile on my face ;^)

    Whether or not it happens, here’s one vote for YES!!!

    • I’m not saying it can’t happen, or won’t happen. What I *AM* saying is don’t accept this story as gospel fact. Cuz NOTHING has been announced yet. Despite what you’ll read today.

    • Joe,

      To be clear… I was only kidding with you… I had already read an article when I came here to verify (knowing you are the best source, next to the band themselves), which is when I posted my comment to you… I appreciate your honesty, it was just a quick high/low for me… thinking it WAS happening then seeing you clarify that there is no guarantee… yet!

      Sorry, if I came across any other way!


  2. The quotes that the news sites have been using say that Sharon talked to the label and the label said “yes we want another album”…. but whether that translates to an album actually happening is a whole other thing, I would say.

    • it`s kind of a strange sentence. I don`t think it`s label`s call for a new Sabbath album! It`s Tony`s ! This band is not at a stage where label can tell them we demand a new album and you should make one!

      • Brian Fowler says

        I suppose to a certain extent it depends on what the contract they signed for “13” says. I mean, Ozzy’s label did end the work on the would have been Sabbath album a little over a decade ago. They might be contractually obligated to do another album (although there are always ways around those kind of obligations, including live albums and greatest hits packages, even though, clearly, Sabbath is in no need of another of the latter, and just dropped the former…)

        At any rate, Ozzy sounds really into the idea, but consistency of opinion is not exactly a defining feature of Ozzy’s public life over the last 4 and a half decades.

    • Ilike to see black sbbath 1 ore time befor I die Thank for the last show here in phily. God Bless you all. Chris Hinkle

  3. Maybe two weeks ago, Geezer was asking people on Facebook which Aston Villa game he should go to while he is in Birmangham in a couple of weeks. There was no mention of Sabbath in the post, it was all about his trip and Aston villa, but I took it as a sign that he might be going there to jam with Tony on some new material.
    Obviously it might be a vacation or whatever but there is a chance that I`m right too.

    • He is from there, and he had a sister who recently had a heart attack. He also seems to love football (soccer) more than concerts sometimes. I wouldn’t necessarily read into that.

  4. I’d be happy with an “accidental” leak of the 2001 recordings…
    The other songs recorded during the 13 sessions…

  5. Allen Khamou says

    What’s most important to me is, to hear good news on Iommi’s health, i believe he was suppose to find out something after that last show they played in early July of this year and I’ve yet to hear an update which makes me kind of worry :( so hopefully something good will be announced soon, and that would definitely make me more happy than a new album long live Iommi. Thank you so much Joe for such an amazing page, I have been viewing this place for about 10 years and i always get good information whenever I need to find out something about Sabbath. I have a quick question and I’m sorry to bring it on here as this may not be part of the subject, are those deluxe editions now out of print? I got these six weeks ago “Black Sabbath, Paranoid, Master of Reality, Past Lives, live Evil, and The Eternal Idol” but these seems to be not available “Heaven and Hell, The Mob Rules, Seventh Star, Born Again, and Dehumanizer”

    Hope to hear from you sir.

  6. Hi Joe…so what is Tony martin up to? Still doing the Headless Cross thing? I bought his last thing the Giuntini Project IV album which rocked!!!

  7. Matt Dennett says

    I would love to see another album with Tony and Geezer playing together. Personally, if Ozzy is involved its neither here or there for me, and Bill? Well I dont see that happening at all, I’m sorry. Whatever Tony creates and releases I will be there and I will support it. Tony and Geezer are the main players to me. People get too caught up in the scramble for the “original” Sabbath that they forget all other great works. If it happens, brilliant, if not, we still have the legends among us. Thats what counts.

    • Well said Matt.

    • John Ipsen says

      I agree with the last bit of your message. Tony and Geezer ARE the main players and that counts. But to be able to deliver a package which reflects the incredible greatness of their heyday they still need Mr. Osbourne. Noone on this planet can deliver the authenticity and the vocal power like he can, even in his current condition. The complete package (or near-to-complete without Bill) is legendary and out of this world, the rest, what they have done without John Osbourne, is just very good music.
      And let us not forget that he still sings very well. I saw the band three times on their last tour and on one occasion (Copenhagen) he sang flawlessly, like forty years ago, on the other two he did a very profesional job with a few minor problems. AND, in spite of everything, he is the shining star of the latest LP, certainly no less than the master, Iommi, himself.

      • John: I am with you. Original Sabbath members (and if have to leave one member out would be Ward, but still better with him) have a synergy that can not be duplicated. Ozzy is not a great singer by talent but compliments Sabbath as a whole like no other one can. I went to two 13 concerts and agree he sounded as good as ever, seen then many times mostly in 70’s. The first five albums can not be touched, by anyone, many great Metal bands have also agreed with this comment. Yes, I also agree with some others, Tony and Geezer went on and did some great stuff without Ozzy.

        Thank you Joe for your excellent site, I use your site more than Sabbath official site…
        Do have a request, as some also mentioned, will be good if can get an update from you about Tony’s health and any information about the other ’13’ recordings not released.

  8. Well, after the disappointment that 13 was for me I really hope this is not true, especially if Rick Rubin is “producing”.

    I’d love to see Tony getting together with Glenn, recording a new album and playing songs from the DEP Sessions and Fused Live, that would be great news!

    • No to Hughes, that guy will ruin anything Iommi does! Hughes used to be a great vocalist back in the day! But his whining vocal on Fused is incredibly bad & disappointing to my ears!

    • it is always nice to see you MR Mc Gregor.I hope Rick Rubin is not producing and I am not really looking forward to it after the over hyped overrated and over media BS.The album had a few moments but forgettable.Too hard to listen to the whole thing,I hope they will go back to the basics and not overproduce with the awful Rick Rubin.

  9. Checked fb this morning(probably a day late already lol) and saw the Rolling Stone post about Sabbath recording a new album in early 2015.
    I think this would be cool if Ozzy once more can get his voice to a decent level.
    Maybe there’s also a new chance of bringing Bill Ward in…

    On the other hand I wouldnt be super sad if it doesnt happen because they’ve given me all pleasure already so I dont know just wait and see what happens I guess ;)

    • You get your info from Rolling Stone?!!! That’s a joke in itself. They only care about Sabbath when Ozzy is involved. He wrote a funny advice column for them, Dr. Ozzy, which is the only good thing about it. They only really care about Kanye, Miley, Justin and whatever is “hot”. Rolling Stone magazine is no better then those Hollywood gossip shows. . And INMO, It was only really cool when the great Dr. Hunter S. Thompson wrote for it. When it’s official, Joe or the other official band members web sites will “make it so!”

    • I think OZZYvoice has sounded amazing…on both the 13 disk as well as the tour.It’s miraculous that he’s still with us and he’s still incredible!

  10. Bill should be given the opportunity of , at least, recording the new album…

    He is such a nice musician and person and deserves to make part of probably the last album of Black Sabbath…
    He could be the drummer on the album and Vinny could play the gigs alongside Rick Wakeman on Keyboards… and please… What about starting the shows with supertzar again… that would make the whole thing more Sabbath….

    God bless Black Sabbath…!!! Keep on praying for Iron Man…!!!

    • Yes, one would think that Ward could be involved on the album, but will he? There is so much at stake there from both sides! More to the point, we don’t want Clufetos on the drums. No swing or swagger & limited feel, thank the gods that Brad Wilk was the drummer on 13! Rick Rubin??????? More of the same me thinks, same with Deep Purple going back in with Bob Ezrin again??? Same as the last one is the first thought that springs to mind! You must mean Adam Wakeman, not Rick surely. There is no way Rick Wakeman would tour with Sabbath, far too limiting indeed! Regarding the set list, they have to revamp that big time if they tour! So yes, Supertzar as an opener would one of many changes to the list! Personally they should have ‘gone out on top’ IMHO. They had a successful album & tour! What is that show biz saying ‘always leave them wanting more’! Cheers.

  11. Paolo Molinari says

    No more tours if you bother… but more than just one album please!!!

  12. Derek Green says

    Using Bill Ward on a new album is a genius move from a marketing stand point. They can still advertise the album as the first album from all 4 original members since 1979, just like they did with 13.

    13 was the first Ozzy Sabbath album of new material in decades… That alone helped it to reach # 1 in so many countries. This next album won’t have that same type of buzz… And the only way they are going to sell as many albums as 13, is to bring back Bill Ward. I guarantee you their management already knows this. Hundreds of thousands of albums were not purchased during 13 by people who wanted the original lineup… By reforming that lineup, they not only appeal to all those fans… But can market the album differently as well. It’s a no brainer. Go out the right way.

    • chad hallman says

      Derek , I agree with what you said about Bill . I bought “13” because my favorite singer and guitarist and bassist were on it # 1 & # 2 , it was 3/4 black sabbath .

    • I respectfully disagree, ’13’ went to #1 and people were buying it not knowing what they were getting (no Bill/new drummer-wise). Now that people know pretty well what they will be getting, the next album (if one does eventually materialize) should do even better. Obviously #1 can’t be surpassed (unless you’re the Sex Pistols in 1977) but greater sales figures. I certainly begrudge them nothing. Good work and best of luck no matter what happens.

      I also think that Bill would be more hindrance than help; just a big distraction. Go read a few articles about why he dropped out of the ‘Dio Years’ recording. Utter(ed) lunacy. I’d prefer if he never appeared in the same room as the rest of the guys again. Christopher Hitchens used to say that “if Jerry Falwell were given an enema, you could fit the rest of him in a matchbox.”. You get the idea.

  13. I am a big fan but I think they should trop out of the game right now. ’13’ is a decent release. But compared to their 70’s – stuff it cannot really hold up to. I with ’15’ it wouldn’t be any different. Moreover, they rounded up their musical output by adding the thunder & lightning – intro of their first release to ’13’. Doing this ment to me that they are done. Everything had been said.

  14. A new album would be great ,everything was so perfect with the show i saw in Ottawa with my daughter, i think if Loner was done back in the Paranoid era it would have been timeless as well everything was ,so perfect the tour ,the album the live release ,iLgot the CD; DVD package myself ,if Bill Ward is available next time round great, i just wish everyone would stop being negative and critical here on this page and give thanx Black Sabbath 4ever

  15. Just read an article yesterday on the Rolling Stone web site, sounds like
    they will be doing one last album and tour begging in 2015 but unfortunately
    no mention of Bill Ward. They did mention that Rick Ruben would be producing


  16. Another Ancient Warrior says

    I wish that we would have an UPDATE on Tony’s Battle, with his Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. How is he actually doing? We all, of course, be continually Praying (for those of us who believe in a Higher Deity) for you, Tone! Be very careful to PLEASE PACE YOURSELF, Tone. You are to be congratulated, for your defiance, steadfast stoicism, unerring persistence, and courage, in what must be a profoundly and exhausting and sometimes disappointing War against Lymphoma.
    I, for one, consider myself Fortunately Blessed, to have seen you play, on at least Twelve Different wonderful Occasions, and, if you’re actually more in need of rest, Tone–well–the rest of this Site’s Visitors can read any accounting of my sojourns with you, especially those who may have run out of opportunities to see/hear your Magnificent and Grand Performances.

  17. Other than Black Sabbath hopefully only writing a few border line heavy metal/hard rock songs, we hope they go directly to the roots of their true character, that being old school natural Hard Rock.

    Of course would also love to see Bill Ward on the new album and tour.

    Wish Ozzy would do something to remedy that nasal condition.

    Tommy Clufetus: At the very least he is a very good drummer and seems to be in fantastic physical condition. He does a very good job overall on the tours but part of his drumming at times does not go well with Hard Rock songs, hopefully he will finally make some additional necessary adjustments.

    How about lineups, if Bill Ward is healthy enough and in good enough physical condition the follows,

    Some Scenarios,

    1) Tony, Ozzy, Geezer, Bill, plus Geoff Nichols on guitar/keyboards and backing vocals and Adam Wakeman on keyboards/guitar and backing vocals.

    2) Tony, Ozzy, Geezer, Bill, Tommy, Geoff, Adam.

    3) Tony, Ozzy, Geezer, Carl Palmer, Geoff, Adam.

    4) Tony, Ozzy, Geezer, Carl Palmer, Geoff, Rick and Adam Wakeman.

    5) Tony, Ozzy, Geezer, Bill, Adam, plus any combination studio and or touring with Tommy, Carl Palmer, Geoff Nichols, Rick Wakeman, Carmine Appice, Vinnie Appice, Terry Bozio, etc.

    Note, also have everybody on stage, not like what they usually do with Adam.

    Stay Healthy, Safe, Rational, Responsible and Strong!

  18. Tend to agree with huk for me 13 was easily their worst album and a massive dissapointment, for me maybe if Bill played the drums and a new producer definately not Rick Rubin it might be good.
    The recent concerts were fantastic but need a revamped setlist if there are going to be any more, very difficult if Ozzy can’t do Sabotage. Bloody Sabbath or Ecstasty songs for me the best setlist ever was 77 ecstasy tour andi have seen most


  19. Not a lot of love for 13 on this thread,i was thrilled S#!Tless with it.It was so much better than what I expected.I thought Rick Ruben might screw it up but no.. IMHO 13 is more than worthy to be in the Sabbath canon.

    • Yes, I like 13 as a modern Sabbath album, I think it pulls it’s weight no problem! But me thinks they should leave it at that! If they manage to get Ward on board, the media will try to milk that ‘again’ for what it is worth! But how many fans out there will fall for it, all over again. It would be good for Ward, for his own personal well being, but has that opportunity passed? Everyone would have loved Ward in the band last year, as we know ‘time waits for no one’!

    • I also liked 13. But I think Ward is better off without these guys. When they did their CSI appearance, they also did a brief interview with it. I don’t recall exactly what transpired, but at one point Geezer joked that one of them was “playing the drummer.” Iommi broke out laughing. It came across to me as caustic, cruel, and something I’d expect from a junior high schooler. I consider “Ward One: Along the Way” to be the best of all the solo work these guys have done. Ward has my respect. These other guys are simply part of my music collection.

      • I think Geezer has always showed a propensity for that type of humor…I wouldn’t read to much in to it…I’m sure he meant no harm to Ward….

        That being said,I agree that Along the Way is the greatest of all the solo albums and I would rate it higher than a number of Sabbath albums as well,quite frankly…now if we could only get some info(any info!!!!) about Accountable Beasts….I won’t hold my breath…

        • I had not heard about Accountable Beasts. I also hope it’s not one of those projects that’s on indefinite hold.

          By the way, I appreciate your thoughtful response! It gave me a different perspective. So many commenters on sites are snarky these days; it’s nice to encounter civilized people.

  20. Just read some new quotes from Oz regarding a new album and tour on Blabbermouth this morning…he states he “hopes Bill Ward can get his stuff together ” to record….of course as Joe said,I will still wait for official confirmation….but interesting nonetheless that these quotes keep coming out in the press…

  21. Bill ward fan says

    Bill should be on the last album..

  22. Ozzy is saying stuff again, and says bills return is up to sharon. god dammit sharon, give Bill a fair contract. for fucks sake, the last album and tour was hugely succesfull, you can now afford( in her mind, maybe thats how she would put it-afford), to pay bill what he wants. I fucking love everything in, around and what has come out of black sabbath. but i want the original 4 for the last hurrah. god damn!

  23. Is it Black Sabbath or Solo?

  24. Dear Joe!

    What will be Scary dreams song?

  25. Its on Ozzy`s website that there will be another album and that he wants bill on board.He also says that after the final album and tour he will go back doing his solo career.I think that’s official enough for me.No mention on who the producer will be or a second choice for a drummer.So Im realy hoping to hear something from their website soon.

  26. Dan-Al Blanc says

    The Grandfathers of metal still rockin’ ? That is a joke, come on guys let these old men take a well deserved retreat home and count their money, it is a joke to see these guys try to rock like they used to back in those days when they were young ! I mean, there’s no way Ozzy can stand there on a stage singing “Snowblind” and still pretend it’s true… come on ! Best of luck anyways…

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