Somewhere, Harry Caray was looking for an extra long, extra tall, extra cold beverage this week, because on Sunday, a man sang what music experts have identified as a rendition of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” that made Caray sound like Frank Sinatra.
That man was Ozzy Osbourne. And on Sunday, August 17th, the Cubs handed him the opportunity to sing Harry’s favorite song during the seventh-inning stretch at Wrigley Field. Only over the next minute did we all discover this was like handing Evel Knievel the keys to your Bentley.
Call Ozzy Osbourne, center, Mr. Cub from now on.
The song that followed was so unrecognizable that the Chicago Tribune actually felt obliged to print a transcript of it the next day, just so witnesses could verify they’d heard what they heard. Here goes:
Chicago sportscaster Chip Caray: “All right, Chicago. Here comes Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne.”
Ozzy: “All right, Chicago. I want to hear a real crazy crowd start singing.
Are you ready? Are you ready? I can’t hear you. Are you ready?
“One. Two. Three.
“Let’s go out to the ballgame. Let’s go out to the bluhhhhhn.
“Take me a ee-yan eeya (humming) the field.
“I don’t care if I ahh-uhn ack.
“Da da da da duh da da da eam. Duh ee, da da da da dahhh.
“For a fee, two, three strikes you’re out at the old ballgame.
Sharon: “Now let’s get some runs.”
Ozzy: “Yeah. Let’s get some runs.”
(Thanks to Mitch Van Beekum from for this report – his text was awesome, I didn’t see the point in reinventing the wheel).

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