When they fall down, I feel sad.

Update May 2007: I originally posted this story in June of 2006, and today Bill had me release the music video for this (finally), so I’m adding the video to this story.
The above are some of the lyrics from the song “Children Killing Children” off of Bill Ward’s 1997 solo album “When the Bough Breaks”. This song has always been a good one, and has been rather overlooked. My wife and I have always loved this song, and told Bill that on the phone some years ago. As I see world (and home) events happen that involve children my mind is always drawn to this song, and the message it conveys. It’s a powerful one, and unfortunately, today the message really screamed loudly to me.
In 2005 my wife and I had our first child, and this is the first time I had listened to this song since then. No particular reason, but more bands, more albums, more songs, the ones from the past tend to get pushed towards the back. This morning, I was working on an update for the Bill Ward site with some info Bill and his managers have sent over to me to get online for a merchandise sale he’s about to have. Anyway, in doing that, I decided to stick on When the Bough Breaks as something to listen to. Figure I should give some of Bill’s music a listen when I was working on his site. Then track two came on, “Children Killing Children”. And as listened to the lyrics, I imagined the absolute grief that I would feel if something like that happened to my daughter, and I became rather sad and depressed in a way I never had done before listening to this song. Then I got angry as I could not do a damn thing about the violence depicted in the song against children. I cried.
Been awhile since I’ve done that listening to a song. Now I know some metalheads who will read this story on some metal news sites will read my words and call me a pussy or some other such name because I had an emotional reaction to a song like that, but you know what? It’s you who are the pussy for not realizing the depth and emotion behind this song, and what I’m saying. This is a message and a song that people should be listening to and conveying. Violence is costing us our children, and this kind of thing should be stopped. This is not the usual “message” that gets out there in a Black Sabbath related song, but it should be one that’s believed by all.
Children Killing Children is a powerful song, and it should NOT be forgotten. If you have Bough Breaks, go get it out and give it a listen. The album’s been out of print for awhile now, but Bill is selling it direct on his own website, so if you don’t have it, go there and buy a copy. Heck, even if you do have it, go there and buy another copy and give one to a friend. It’s a great album, and the message behind Children Killing Children should be heard.
To finish this up I’ll include the complete lyrics from the song and a couple of screen captures for the unreleased music video for the song, too.
A light in the eyes, and
A smile on the face, Oh
The innocence blows one away
God bless all the laughter
The children’s dear laughter
It’s something so special, so gay
When they fall down
I feel sad
They’re falling down
Real, real bad
Children killing children
What’s this all about
Children killing children
What’s this all about
I almost denied it
The fact that they’re dying
And seeking approval each day
What absolute chaos
When babies are murdered
By bullets that just went astray
When they fall down
I feel sad
They’re falling down
Real, real bad
Children killing children
What’s this all about
Children killing children
What’s this all about
When they fall down
I feel sad
They’re falling down
Real, real bad
Children killing children
What’s this all about
[Repeat to fade]

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