The Last time I met Ronnie

When Ronnie James Dio died in 2010, I was reminded a lot of the two times I met him face to face. Both were backstage after Heaven & Hell concerts. The first was 2007, and I’ve chronicled that story on this site already, you can read that here.   I never wrote about the second […]

Geezer Butler Speaks out on Ronnie James Dio

Geezer Butler has posted a statement on his own website regarding the death of Ronnie James Dio. It’s no secret that I’ve done Geezer’s website for awhile, and during this time, I’ve learned that he’s a pretty private person. When you get to know him, he’s pretty cool, but generally he’s a pretty private man. […]

Geezer Butler PETA Testimony

While I’m personally not a vegetarian, I ran across this video of Geezer Butler giving his testimony on why he doesn’t eat meat, and hasn’t since age 8. Unlike a lot of Peta videos, there’s no overt “shock imagry” to the thing, so if that kind of thing turns you off (like it does me), […]

Geezer & Football

Just a quick note. There’s a story that’s making the rounds now about Geezer Butler buying a football club in the UK. He’s a known fan of Aston Villa FC. He carries their flag around with him on tour on his trailer. Anyway, when this story cropped up, I emailed him about it, and his […]

Geezer Butler Journal Update

As Geezer Butler and the rest of the boys prepare to shove off for another world tour, he found a few minutes to send in a journal update for his site. Here’s what Geez had to say: Well, it’s almost here, time to get the hair dye out. We’re all rehearsed and ready to go. […]

New Geezer Butler Journal Entry

Black Sabbath bassist Geezer Butler has updated the diary on his website. It’s been awhile since the last one, but this update has a couple of cool tidbits. One is the mention of the next GZR record (yes, there will be one), as well as some of Geezer’s other interests, one of which is amateur […]

Geezer Butler releases 1986 Demo Track

Over on the Official Geezer Butler Website, Geezer has released “a special Christmas Present” for everyone. It’s an mp3 of a track recorded originally back in 1986 as “The Geezer Butler Band”. The track name is ‘Computer God’ which should be familiar to Black Sabbath fans. Here’s a few factoids about the song: The band […]

Get Fused & Ohmwork Signed at Ozzfest

In the last couple of days both the Tony Iommi & Geezer Butler websites have made announcements about meeting Tony & Geezer at Ozzfest shows. They will be signing copies of their new respective solo albums at a special booth on the Ozzfest grounds during an hour block each day on Ozzfest in the “FYE” […]

Geezer Butler Journal Update

Geezer Butler has sent in a journal update from the Sabbath tour in Europe! You won’t want to miss this one, as he has a few words about the Sabbath tour. He also talks about Ohmwork sales, his journal, some castles he visited while on tour, and in a surprise announcement, a pending release of […]

Geezer Butler and iTunes

As you should know by now, Geezer’s new album Ohmwork is out. You should already have bought your copy by now. But in case you didn’t, I wanted to take a moment and let you know that it is available electronically via Apple’s iTunes music store. You can reach Ohmwork directly by clicking here. However, […]